Synagen Systems
Synagen Systems

Global Website Support Services

Keeping your website running smoothly

  • How secure is your company website? (Most companies and government organisations get hacked, some frequently)
  • How often is it backed up? (If your system was hacked and destroyed, what would be the impact on your business? What if your backups were destroyed?)
  • Is your intellectual property protected? (A silent hacker may be copying off your entire system and database right now)
  • How responsive is your website? (Most websites could do with a tune-up to improve response times)
  • Has your domain name expired? (Domain name theft is common - don't lose yours!)
  • Do you need to migrate to a cloud server? (This could dramatically improve your website's response time and flexibility, but is a major undertaking
  • How full is your storage? (Are your web server log files filling up your storage space?)
  • Are you getting errors that you don't know about? (Most significant errors are not visible unless you know exactly where to look)
  • How often do intruders actually enter your backend? (You might be surprised to find they are already there)
  • Do you have spam bots running on your hosting account? (These can destroy your reputation by sending emails from your hosting account)
  • Are all your front-end and backend systems running correctly? (You might be getting errors without realising it)
  • Does your website use out-of-date libraries?
  • These, and many more issues, plague every commercial website owner (whether you know it, or not). Don't let your company down with a website that is less than it could be.

We provide a regular support service for your website, on a weekly or monthly basis, to ensure it keeps running smoothly.

Packages can includes a wide range of services, such as:

  • Regular Security check
  • Hacking check
  • Spambot check
  • Storage space check
  • Website front-end error check
  • Website response time check & recommendation and/or correction
  • System Backup & off-site storage
  • Backend error checks
  • Analysis of user experience and recommended improvements
  • SEO analysis and recommendations
  • Project management of a new website build - make sure it's implemented well and tested thoroughly before go-live
  • Management of your hosting account
  • Registration and maintenance of your domain name
  • Email account maintenance and user account maintenance.
  • Managing or assisting with migration to cloud services.

We give you peace of mind.


Standard Support Plans

(can be tailoured to suit)


Up to 1 hour per weekly session or 2 hrs per monthly session
Regular Security check
Hacking check
Spambot check
Storage space check
Website front-end error check
Website response time check & recommendation and/or correction
Backend error checks
Analysis of user experience and recommended improvements
Phone support - 1 call per week.
System Backup & off-site storage
Management of your hosting account
Registration and maintenance of your domain name
Email account maintenance and user account maintenance.
SEO analysis and recommendations.
Managing or assisting with migration to cloud services.
Project management of a new website build, install or UAT. (Separate quotation based on requirements)

USD$200/month for monthly support, or $120/week for weekly support.


Up to 2 hours per weekly session or 4 hrs per monthly session
Regular Security check
Hacking check
Spambot check
Storage space check
Website front-end error check
Website response time check & recommendation and/or correction
Backend error checks
Analysis of user experience and recommended improvements
Phone support - 1 call per week.
System Backup & off-site storage
Management of your hosting account
Registration and maintenance of your domain name
Email account maintenance and user account maintenance.
SEO analysis and recommendations.
Managing or assisting with migration to cloud services.
Project management of a new website build, install or UAT. (Separate quotation based on requirements)

USD$300/month for monthly support, or $200/week for weekly support.


Up to 4 hours per weekly session or 9 hrs per monthly session
Regular Security check
Hacking check
Spambot check
Storage space check
Website front-end error check
Website response time check & recommendation and/or correction
Backend error checks
Analysis of user experience and recommended improvements
Phone support - 1 call per week.
System Backup & off-site storage
Management of your hosting account
Registration and maintenance of your domain name
Email account maintenance and user account maintenance.
SEO analysis and recommendations.
Managing or assisting with migration to cloud services.
Project management of a new website build, install or UAT. (Separate quotation based on requirements)

USD$900/month for monthly support, or $400/week for weekly support.

How does this work and what's included?

  • 1 single session per week or month (as per your selection), sufficient to cover the items included, up to the maximum time stated.
  • Reviewing you website server access and error logs. Requires backend (i.e. root) access to your hosting account.
  • Analysing your web site in detail for any issues with speed of display, or any errors. Corrective recommendations or implementation.
  • Correct access permissions of backend files and directories to prevent hackers dropping malicious code in.
  • Analysing your web site for any obvious illegal activity.
  • Limited assistance with installation of software.
  • Limited assistance with technical problems with your host. (If it turns out to be an extensive issue to correct, we will need to negotiate a fee for that piece of work)

What's NOT included?

  • Unlimited phone or email support
  • Any phone support not included in your plan.
  • Guaranteed resolution of any problems through phone support. We will do our best to investigate and correct an issue, but do not guarantee to be able to fix it. We may, however be able to put you in touch with a specialist, who may be able to assist.
  • Phone support outside of the hours of 8:00am-6:00pm Monday-Friday Australian Eastern Time (GMT+10hrs) or AEDT(GMT+11hrs)
  • Guaranteed prevention of hacking. We can't know how well your programs have been written and configured. The best we can do is to identify certain hacking activity.
  • Guaranteed prevention of access to your database by hackers. Again, if your software has not been build with security rigour in mind, then hackers may well be able to access, read and/or alter your databases.
  • Unlimited time spent correcting problems. We will make our best efforts to fix all problems identified, but if it appears that an extensive amount of time will be required, then we will need to negotiate a special one-off fee.
  • Guaranteed removal of all viruses. The ability to remove viruses will depend on the effectiveness of whatever anti-virus software you have installed.
  • Supply of anti-virus software. If we recommend the purchase of antivirus software, we may purchase and install on your behalf, if requested, but you shall be required to pay all costs, including annual license fees.
  • Guarantee to get your web site onto page 1 of Google search results

Possible additional services:

  • Review of your in-house built software for security flaws.
  • Project management of in-house build, external build or off-the-shelf software implementation.
  • Migration of in-house or hosted systems to cloud server.
  • Usability analysis of your existing websites (including UCAG conformance).
  • Setting up and managing Google Analytics
  • On-going maintenance of your bespoke software (that is, implementing changes to design and configuration, as requested)
  • On-going remote management of your software development team.