Synagen Systems
Synagen Systems

System Integration Consultancy Services


Software Package Implementation

When implementing an off-the-shelf software product, you need to ensure all aspects of the implementation are covered.

We will evaluate, and if required, manage, the needs for:

  • user training,
  • support training,
  • security, user access, hacking prevention,
  • integration with other systems,
  • backup regimes,
  • organisational change management,
  • tailoring,
  • configuration.

We can also provide implementation project management services, for larger, more complex systems.

External vendor management

When woking with a software vendor (especially one based overseas), you can encounter a myriad of problems, ranging from simple misunderstandings, to major technical issues that require "boots on the ground" to look after your interests.

Remember, a vendor is primarily looking after their interests, not yours.

We will:

  • manage the vendor,
  • manage the implementation process,
  • work with the vendor to overcome misunderstandings and issues,
  • assist with technical issues,

to ensure the implementation goes according to plan, and you ultimately receive the outcome your were expecting.

Project monitoring

Major implementation being planned?

How sure are you that system integration, feature sets, configuration, user training, and organisatinal change management have been analysed and planned for?

If you have a major in-house software implementation, how effective is your project management governing the implementation?

Don't let your next project be another expensive failure. We will provide a very high level of comfort that all aspects of the project planning and implementation have been allowed for.

We will provide an evaluation of the current state of the project, whether in the proposal, planning or implementation stage.

We can provide overall project governance and project/program planning services.

Your interests are of paramount importance. We provide totally independent advice, not constrained by internal politics, powerplays and personalities.